Dear all,
Below are the details for your Social Studies Project. Enjoy!
Create a scrapbook on The Melting Pot!!!
Your Plan:
To set up a new restaurant named The Melting Pot, which serves fusion food, a combination of flavours from different ethnic groups in Singapore.
Part 1: Fusion Uniform of Waiters and Waitresses
... think of a way to put it inside the scapbook
Using the given paper dolls, design a set of uniform (male and female)
which includes a mixture of styles from different cultures.
Part 2: Fusion Food (Recipe)
... to be done on the scrapbook
- Design at least a dish that combines flavours of the different ethnic groups in Singapore.
- List the ingredients, describe the methods of cooking, and provide an illustration of how the food will look like.
Last but not least, each group will have to:
(Total - 40 marks)
- Present the project to the class (20 marks)
---> Neatness
---> Language (Try to use your own words)
- Creativity (10 marks)
- Content (10 marks)
Last but not least, please do not bring your finished product and offer it to Mr Ang. Have mercy on him please! :(
Mr Ang, your "food" in Part 2 is spelt wrongly.
From Beatrice Khoo
Thanks alot, Beatice! :)
"Scrapbook"in part one is wrong and you spelt Beatrice wrongly.
Ryan Heng
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