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Monday, March 24, 2008

Answers for Effective Grammar (Ex 39, 40, 41 & 42) with clue words

Exercise 39
1) like (I) ; eat (I; everyday)
2) thinks (She) ; is (she)
3) keep (They) ; do (They)
4) rains (It) ; gets (village)
5) arrives (singer)
6) tells (Jane) ; is (She)
7) eat (do not) ; talk (do not)
8) do (you) ; like (do) ; do not like (I)
9) dresses (She) ; speaks (She)
10) is (jade) ; is (It)

Exercise 40
1) 3 (last night)
2) 1 (next month)
3) 1 (board of directors is considered as a group; till ... come)
4) 2 (Science laboratory)
5) 1 (Pauline; always)
6) 1 (later this month)
7) 3 (baby; every night)
8) 2 (last evening)
9) 2 (... and now they are celebrating)
10) 3 (a typhoon; last week)

Exercise 41
1) 3 (looked)
2) 3 (last night; refused)
3) 3 (in the near future)
4) 1 (I)
5) 1 (grandfather; every morning)
6) 2 (It is very pretty.)
7) 2 (soldiers; always; do)
8) 1 (long ago; but now he is retired.)
9) 1 (yesterday evening)
10) 1 (was)

Exercise 42
1) 2 (was asked)
2) 2 (were)
3) 1 (later this afternoon)
4) 2 (whenever; is)
5) 2 (whenever; hears)
6) 3 (were)
7) 2 (won)
8) 2 (have asked)
9) 1 (Scientists)
10) 3 (promised)

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