Parent's Backyard

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Sunday, January 27, 2008

Phrasal Verbs (Week 5)

11) Aspire to - to have an aim in life that you want to ahieve (He aspired to perfection in whatever he did.)
12) Average out - find the average (Training costs for last year averaged out at $5 100 per student.)
13) Back away - retreat (She backed away from the menacing look on his face.)
14) Back out - withdraw (She backed out of the agreement just before signing the contract.)
15) Back up - support (The scientist claims are not backed up by any scientific evidence.)
16) Bail out - help (Sutton bailed his team out with a goal in the last minute.)
17) Bank on - rely on (Greg banked all his money on the stock market and lost everything with the collaspe of the stock market.)
18) Bargain for - expect (They planned to have a baby, never bargaining for triplets.)
19) Barge in/into - interrupt, boisterously enter (George barged into my office without knocking.)
20) Base upon - use as foundation (The professor based his theory upon his studies of his patients.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would want to use coloured papers to fold into creatures.

Posted by Tricia Giam